
‘a classic’ in the annals of skeptical literature

The Adventures of a Parapsychologist was first published in 1986, but the book continued to sell and ten years later Prometheus asked me to write some additional chapters for republication as “In Search of the Light” (the title was meant at least partly as a joke because of all those “…. light” books on NDEs.)

The original reviews were very mixed – from highly positive to a truly dreadful review in Nature.. Here are some examples of each.

Extracts from reviews of  Adventures of a Parapsychologist

“an intensely personal document that reads more like a novel than a work on parapsychology… makes fascinating reading  ….  parapsychology’s first “kiss and tell” book”  Journal of Parapsychology

“Extremely valuable insight”   Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research

“A remarkable memoir … hailed by many psi critics for its candour and upsetting to some psi proponents as a turnabout” (?)

“A pleasurable mixture of autobiography, psychology and science journalism” The Listener

“no ordinary autobiography … I had a hard time putting it down. … a fascinating story”  The American Rationalist

“an engaging, fascinating book”  Fate

“Too slight to be a treatise, uncertain as a melodrama and written in the style of pulp romantic fiction, it is an account of a change of faith. … The nearest we get to a real parapsychological phenomenon is the distinct impression that Dr Blackmore has more prospects as a ghost writer than a ghost hunter. … whereas Dr Blackmore could have chosen to write a brave indictment, she has settled for self-indulgent apologia.” Steve Blinkhorn, Nature, 19.2.87

Extracts from reviews of  In Search of the Light  (1996)

“Ten years on, psychologist Susan Blackmore’s devastatingly honest account …. is as gripping as ever.”  New Scientist August 1996

“… now recognized as ‘a classic’ in the annals of skeptical literature… not to be missed.” Skeptical Inquirer

“We liked it then, and we like it now…very well written, entertaining and intriguing.” The American Rationalist

“This is a delightful book to read … engaging …  It’s an adventure story” Science Frontiers Book Supplement

“Two of Blackmore’s main strengths have always been her enthusiasm and her ability to communicate. Both are very much in evidence here… compelling… candid … fascinating.”  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.